Apply for New Service Connection
Disclaimer: The estimates below are based on a normal office day. These might be shortened or lengthened depending on a particular situation.
Step Procedure Estimates
1 Attend Pre-Membership Orientation Seminar (PMOS). (Note: your seminar will be valid up until one years). See the Schedules [Click here] 3 Hours
2 Hire your choice SOLECO Authorized Electrician (SAE). See the List of SAE's for the current year [Click here] N/A
3 Secure the following Essential Requirements:
  1. Application Form [Download here];
  2. Sketch Plan
    • Less than 10 outlets
    or Blue Print
    • More than 10 outlets
  3. ABEs Certification;
  4. Attendance Ticket from the PMOS in which the applicant has attended.
  5. If the service drop wire will traverse others property, secure Traverse Certification. [Download here]
  6. If the applicant is a renter or tenant of the house, secure Certificate of Solidary Liability. [Download here]
  7. Photocopy of Marriage Contract if applicable.
  8. Photocopy of any Valid ID.
  1. Submit requirements to SOLECO only if housewiring is already finish and complete.
  2. Install the proper meter board, meter box and ground rod.Use "Tabla" and not plywood as meter board. Use proper meter box as prescribed by the coop. Use galvanized steel ground rod as prescribed by the coop.
  3. If the building/house is more than 30 meters away from the nearest SOLECO pole/tapping, install meter pole as prescribed by the coop in the PMOS.
4 After the house or building wiring installation applied for is completed, submit the requirements to the CWA at SOLECO Office for processing. 1 -2 Hours
5 Pay the required fees to the cashier. 30 Minutes
6 Present Official Receipt (O.R.) and request the Membership Clerk for the issuance of SOLECO ID. 30 Minutes
Execution of the request after approval: Within 2 Days